January 27, 2010

Key-Value Data Loading

I wanted to follow up with an example of loading an avatar's persistent dictionaries from a key-value store in the SQLite database;

def load_account(client, name, uuid):
load a previously created account.
client.send('\nWelcome back, %s. Your last visit was %s.\n\n' %
(name, last_on(name)))
## Create an in-game Avatar from stored data
avatar = Avatar(client)
## Read from database
avatar.profile = fetch_kv_dict(uuid, 'profile')
avatar.resources = fetch_kv_dict(uuid, 'resources')
avatar.skills = fetch_kv_dict(uuid, 'skills')
avatar.worn = fetch_kv_dict(uuid, 'worn')
avatar.carried = fetch_kv_dict(uuid, 'carried')
avatar.abilities.update(fetch_kv_set(uuid, 'abilities'))

Just in case it wasn't clear. You may notice an absence of a 'stats' dictionary. Character stats will be computed based on race + gear, so aren't saved.

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