February 20, 2012

Unpacking WebSocket Frames Cont.

Using WireShark, I captured some frames between my browser and WebSocket.org's Echo Server. This gave me some data to experiment with without needing a living server.

I mentioned that the protocol in version 13 was very different. Previously, you bookended your packets with \x00 and \xFF and shoved them down the wire. RFC 6455 adopted a more formal framing that includes op codes for the frame type (string vs binary && ping vs pong), a continuation flag, and three different data structures for describing payload size. Additionally, payloads from the Client to the Server are XOR'ed with a random 32 bit mask. This mask is included in the client frame. Frames from the Server to Client are sent in the clear. Plus some reserved fields.

Yes, it does seem a touch fiddly.

Since I'll own both ends of the wire, I should be fine with a server that only uses 'final fragment' frames (no need for messages to span data packets) using text frames. Most likely JSON. I don't plan to support the previous WS drafts since browser updates are darn near seamless today.

The output of the previous code is:

Final Frame: True
Masked: True
Opcode: 1
Payload Length: 28
Payload: Rock it with HTML5 WebSocket

Final Frame: True
Masked: False
Opcode: 1
Payload Length: 28
Payload: Rock it with HTML5 WebSocket

Final Frame: True
Masked: True
Opcode: 1
Payload Length: 165
Payload: This is a very long message that is longer than 125 bytes so it will be offet with a 16 bit extended payload length and therefore payload len should be equal to 126.

Final Frame: True
Masked: False
Opcode: 1
Payload Length: 165
Payload: This is a very long message that is longer than 125 bytes so it will be offet with a 16 bit extended payload length and therefore payload len should be equal to 126.

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